Green World!
30 May 2009
Nowdays, we are all witness of dramatic changes that are affecting our planet. Should we be sensible to such a problem? The answer is obvious, YES WE SHOULD and WE MUST BE!
The changes are taking ground everyday more and more and as the situation is deteriorating, drastic measures should be taken. It is not easy for us and for those to come to undo what we have done and caused in the name of "World Development".
To develop our world we build Nuclear Factories.
To develop our world we cut down trees.
To develop our world we exterminate animals.
To develop our world we ban electric cars.
To develop our world we depend on gas.
To develop our world we favour deforestation.
To develop our world we grant money to war and to the environment.
Well, after listing all these measures that we take in order to develop our world, Iwould like to suggest some others that shoul be taken into account if some day we want to destroy our world and when we will decide not develop it anymore.
To destroy our world we should plant trees.
To destroy our world we should use filters on our factories.
To destroy our world we should help to keep endangerd species away from the hunters.
To destroy our world we should spill oil in oceans.
To destroy our world we should have ecosystems in our planet.
To destroy our world we should...
STAY IN SILENCE AND HUSH FOREVER.............................
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